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Hoop Basket Privacy Policy

Last Update: 31.05.2023

Privacy Policy:

This privacy policy provides information on how our users' personal data is used and protected. The use of our game means you agree to this privacy policy.

  1. Personal Data: Our game does not collect or store players' personal data. When players download our game, they do not encounter any requests for personal data or information.

  2. Advertisements: The advertisements used in our game are provided by Google AdMob. AdMob may collect some data from users' devices during ad display. This data is used to target advertisements correctly.

  3. In-App Purchases: Our game features in-app purchases, which are managed by the Google and Apple stores. During this process, users' payment information is collected and stored directly by Google or Apple. Our game cannot access or store this information.

  4. Changes: This privacy policy may change from time to time. Therefore, it is recommended that players regularly check this policy. In the event of any changes, players will be notified.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us.


Terms of Use:

By using our game, you agree to the following terms of use:

  1. Membership: Our game does not require membership.

  2. Permissions: Our game does not require any special permissions from your phone.

  3. Internet Connection: Our game does not require an internet connection to function.

  4. Advertisements: Our game features advertisements provided by AdMob. We are not responsible for the content of these advertisements.

  5. In-App Purchases: Our game features in-app purchases, which are managed by the Google and Apple stores. We are not responsible for any issues related to in-app purchases.

  6. Liability: We are not liable for any problems that may arise from the use of our game.

If you have any questions regarding these terms of use, please contact us.


Hoop Basket © 2023

Pinnacle Dreams © 2023

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